SPORTSMAN'S WORLD PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION is governed by Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Copies of these documents are located on the following pages.
The Board of Sportsman's World Property Owner's Association, Inc. is dedicated to honor the documents that are set up to govern this Association. Through the years there have been changes to the Texas statutes that affect HOAs. The Board is keeping abreast of the new laws so SWPOA is up to date in the management of the Association. The current members of the Board are Tony Lee, President; Jon Schuster, Vice President; and Roy Davis, Secretary/Treasurer.
The Artilces, By-Laws, and CC&R's presented are for the convenience of the reader. It is not guaranteed to be an accurate copy of the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation, or the By-Laws of Sportsman's World Property Owner's Association.
Articles of Incorporation
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
Assessment Payment Policy
Land Use Change
Restrictions of Use
Landar-BRA Contract 1979
BRA-SWPOA Contract 1988
For information about SPORTSMAN'S WORLD RECREATION ASSOCIATION HOA please click here: